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时间:2024-04-26   浏览:14次

1、我经常梦见你,也经常梦见我自己,但很少梦见我们在一起。 I often dream of you and myself, but seldom dream of us together. 2、才不要因为这些黑暗现实而失去希望,等着被光照亮无所遁形吧。 Don't lose hope because of these dark realities, and wait to be illuminated by the light. 3、距离之所以可怕,是因为你根本不知道对方是把你想念,还是把你忘记。 The reason why the distance is terrible is that you don't know whether the other party miss you or forget you. 4、我从不幻想万物额外给予他光明,在我独自坚守的夜里,他恰是光明本身。 I never imagined that all things would give him extra light. In the night when I stood alone, he was just the light itself. 5、喜欢,爱,合适,能够走下去,这是四件事。 Like, love, fit, can go down, these are four things. 6、念旧的人总是受伤,喜欢拿余生来等一句别来无恙,只是你念你的旧,他又能记你多久。 Nostalgia is always injured, like to take the rest of his life to wait for a word, but you read your old, he can remember how long you. 7、我初见你,人群中独自美丽,只消一眼,沉沦我心。 I first saw you, the crowd alone beautiful, just a glance, sink my heart. 8、你让世上所有情话都若有所指,你让我散落天涯的碎片都重新归集。 You let all the love words in the world have a point, you let me scattered pieces of the world are gathered again. 9、再回来陪我喝一杯烈酒走走旧路,你还欠我一句好久不见。 Come back and have a drink with me. You still owe me a long time no see. 10、我以为爱情可以填满人生的遗憾。然而,制造更多遗憾的。却偏偏是爱情。 I think love can fill the regret of life. However, making more regrets. But it's love. 11、我很感念初冬午后的一米阳光,当它轻轻挑起我的想念时,心却是有了如此般的暖和。 I am very grateful for the one meter sunshine in the afternoon of early winter. When it gently provokes my missing, my heart is so warm. 12、我要你风情绝伦,亲吻不同的人,喜欢不同的人,却不爱任何人。 I want you to kiss different people, like different people, but don't love anyone. 13、站在青春的夕阳下,感受着过往,留下浅浅的笑靥,这大概就是我们的狂欢过得青春。 Standing in the sunset of youth, feeling the past, leaving a shallow smile, this is probably our Carnival youth. 14、他像一阵晚风,清爽而又久违,给我的生活,带来八千种滋味。 He is like a gust of evening wind, fresh and long gone, to my life, bring 8000 kinds of taste. 15、我们微笑着,自诩剧外之人,可其实早已入剧,命里注定,逃不过结局。 We smile and boast that we are outside the drama, but actually we have already entered the drama. We are destined to have no escape from the end. 16、给你晚安和早安之间,隔的,是我彻夜辗转的难眠。 Give you good night and good morning, between, is that I toss and turn all night. 17、天地不过是飘摇的逆旅,昼夜不过是光阴的门户。 Heaven and earth are but the vagaries of rebellion, and day and night are but the gates of time. 18、希望你所拼命争取的,最后都能如你所愿。 I hope that what you strive for will be as you wish in the end. 19、一生一世一双人,我愿用一生的豪情万丈只为守候你,只爱你一人。 One person in my life, I would like to use all my life's lofty sentiments just to wait for you and love you alone. 20、可惜祝英台常有,而梁山伯不常有。 Unfortunately, Zhu Yingtai often does, but Liang Shanbo does not. 21、没有你,写诗的夜晚,想念,是我余生的灵感。 Without you, the night of poetry writing, miss, is my inspiration for the rest of my life. 22、我比任何人都希望你幸福,只是想到你以后的幸福不是因为我,还是会很难过。 I hope you are more happy than anyone, just think of your future happiness is not because of me, or will be very sad. 23、当一个男人不再爱他的女人,她哭闹是错,静默也是错,活着呼吸是错,死了都是错。 When a man no longer loves his woman, it is wrong for her to cry, to be silent, to breathe alive, and to die. 24、你的手是我不能触及的倾城温暖,我的心是你不曾知晓的兵荒马乱。 Your hand is the warmth I can't touch, and my heart is the chaos you didn't know. 25、让世界低头是一种霸气,让自己放手是一种魄气。 Let the world bow is a kind of domineering, let oneself let go is a kind of spirit. 26、我们每天和别人做不同的事,却想要和别人说相同的话。 We do different things with others every day, but we want to say the same thing with others. 27、书本上满是你的名字,是我青春最大的秘密。 Books full of your name, is the biggest secret of my youth. 28、没有人可以左右你的人生,只是很多时候我们需要多一些勇气,去坚定自己的选择。 No one can control your life, just a lot of times we need more courage, to firm their choice. 29、若我会见到你,事隔经年。我如何和你招呼,以眼泪,以沉默。 If I'll see you, after years. How I greet you with tears and silence. 30、尽管,生命中的温暖一直都与我们遥遥在望,而我们只不过是拒绝路过。 Although, the warmth of life has always been far away from us, and we just refuse to pass by. 31、时间虽是药,却也三分毒,淡了念想,负了年华。 Although time is medicine, but also three parts of poison, light thinking, negative years. 32、君问归期未有期、待我归时卿不识。只怕沦为天涯陌路人,教我们肝肠寸断儿女情。 You asked the date of your return, but you didn't know when I came back. I'm afraid to become a stranger in the end of the world, and teach us the heartbroken love of our children. 33、心里有一处枯萎的土壤,你留下足印的地方,都开出了花儿。 There is a withered soil in my heart, where you leave footprints, flowers bloom. 34、无论你如何隐藏,想要挽留青春的纯真,岁月还是会无情地在你脸上留下年轮的印记与风霜。 No matter how you hide, want to retain the innocence of youth, the years will be mercilessly left on your face ring marks and frost. 35、找不到你也没有关系,温柔的人会如风般飞跃大海。 It doesn't matter if you can't be found. Gentle people will fly across the sea like the wind. 36、感谢过去,珍惜现在憧憬未来,哭给自己听,笑给别人看,这就是所谓的人生。 Thank the past, cherish the present, look forward to the future, cry to yourself, laugh to others, this is the so-called life. 37、这个世上永远存在着一些无奈,而这些无奈,你永远无法改变。 There will always be some helplessness in this world, and these helplessness can never be changed. 38、山念水一程,水绕山一生。风等云一程,云漂泊三生。 Mountain water a journey, water around the mountain life. The wind and the clouds are a journey, and the clouds are wandering for three generations. 39、这是一种安静的动物,安静得近乎冥想,连呼吸都像晨雾一样悄然安然。 It was a quiet animal, so quiet that it almost meditated, and even breathed as quietly as the morning mist. 40、我说话从来不带刺,如果我说话让你难堪了,那我就是故意的。 I never speak with a sting. If I embarrass you, I mean it. 41、一个人只有去过很远的地方,见过很多的人,他才能够让自己体会到什么叫平静和沉着。 Only when a person has been to a distant place and met a lot of people can he realize what is calm and calm. 42、你是世界上最美丽的琉璃,镶嵌在我的眸子里,我从不曾落泪,以为你能在我的眸中永远璀璨。 You are the world's most beautiful glass, inlaid in my eyes, I never shed tears, think you can always shine in my eyes. 43、我望眼欲穿,看我看不到的你;我侧耳倾听,听我听不到的你。 I look forward to seeing you I can't see; I listen to you I can't hear. 44、最要紧的是,我们首先应该善良,其次要诚实,再其次是以后永远不要相互遗忘。 The most important thing is that we should be kind, honest and never forget each other in the future. 45、因为我知道你是个容易担心的小孩,所以我将线交你手中却也不敢飞得太远。 Because I know you are easy to worry about the child, so I will wire to your hands, but also dare not fly too far. 46、短暂的分别,会让人长大,也会让人更加珍惜。 The short-term separation, will let the person grow up, also can let the person treasure more. 47、越山水千程,你是过目不忘,霁月风光。 More mountains and rivers thousands of miles, you are unforgettable, Jiyue scenery. 48、路长水远,从此清风配酒,我一个人走。 The road is long and the water is far away. From then on, the breeze and wine will accompany me, and I will go alone. 49、能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征。 It's good to be able to cry. Crying is the symbol of healing. 50、我有一个秘密花园,里面装着那些年,我和你的记忆。 I have a secret garden with memories of those years, me and you.






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